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Our charter for excellence
To ensure that the products you cook with are top quality we have four cornerstones that guide East End Food’s operation and growth:
Our People
From the sowers of the seeds to our sales team who meet the customers every member of our team is trained to expand their knowledge and develop their skills.
This is what makes us still a family business, although our ‘family’ has many hundreds of members now.
Investing in the future
As technology develops the company invests in the latest plant and equipment. The latest processing methods maintain the high quality of every product from harvesting through the cleaning and milling processes.
Each product is packaged to give you the maximum freshness. Our aim is to ensure that the processing capacity and quality of packaging continues to meet the expectations of our customers.
Growing the business
We don’t rest on our laurels! Success is not an accident and we wouldn’t have been in business for nearly five decades without some planning and taking action to reach some pretty big goals.
Although we started small we’ve always had big dreams and worked hard to achieve them. Our continued success is built on regular goal setting, performance review and striving to reach higher and farther – always with our customers at the centre of everything we do.
Caring for the environment
Mother nature provides our raw materials and it’s our responsibility to nurture this natural bounty. Our farmers are educated to grow their crops with environmental consciousness so that crops are not contaminated with unnecessary chemicals.
Each stage of production is examined to ensure we are constantly reducing any negative effects on the environment. As technology advances we invest in production equipment that is environmentally friendly.
Every step is taken to ensure East End Foods products are safe for our customers to consume because they are grown and processed with care.
Experience the taste and aromas of our authentic Asian spices, pulses and rice.
Caring for
the environment
Mother nature provides our raw materials and it’s our responsibility to nurture this natural bounty. Our farmers are educated to grow their crops with environmental consciousness so that crops are not contaminated with unnecessary chemicals.
Each stage of production is examined to ensure we are constantly reducing any negative effects on the environment. As technology advances we invest in production equipment that is environmentally friendly.
Every step is taken to ensure East End Foods products are safe for our customers to consume because they are grown and processed with care.
Experience the taste and aromas of our authentic Asian spices, pulses and rice.